Benefits of Membership
Outstanding Club Rides
Regularly scheduled group rides multiple times per week, catering to riders of different abilities and fitness levels, providing a sense of inclusive community and support.​​​
- The best routes and destinations, carefully crafted for riders of different skill levels and interests. Truly the best of what the Lower Mainland Vancouver has to offer.​
- ​Trained & certified ride leaders who are knowledgeable and experienced cyclists who provide guidance and mentorship. Approachable and responsive to your questions and concerns, they prioritize your safety through the use of signals, clear communication, the following of traffic laws.​
Year round rides to keep you at your best through the winter months​
Friendly Community
Affiliation with one of the most respected cycling clubs in western Canada, providing you a sense of pride and membership while riding.​
Access to a rich community providing fun opportunities to meet and connect with many other riders in person and on our extensive forums which often provides the motivation and accountability to stick to a training program or to ride regularly that you wouldn’t have otherwise.
Invitations to social events offer an inclusive, open and friendly social environment which allow you to get to know other members off the bike.
Advocacy and community involvement. EV is involved in advocacy or community outreach related to cycling, such as lobbying for safer bike infrastructure or organizing bike-related events in our community
Opportunities to give back allow you to contribute and make a difference.​
Development & Support
Regularly scheduled training rides featuring structured drills designed to improve your fitness, endurance, group riding skills and racing tactics which prepare you to push yourself farther and faster than you might on your own.
Organized and professional operations. The club communicates effectively with members about upcoming rides, events, and other important information, keeping members up to date so you’re never left second guessing.
Great deals from our fantastic partners and sponsors.
Premium Escape Velocity jersey $95 value from KALAS, supplier to numerous world champions, including Mathieu van der Poel
Race & event support for select events so you’re not on your own.
Race & event discounts that add up so your membership can actually pay for itself.
Access to nationals level NCCP certified coaches
Proven training programs help navigate the complex field of sports science allowing you to focus on achieving goals instead of doing research.
Learn to Ride clinics for those new to group riding. Learn group riding skills in a supportive, safe environment from experienced cyclists who provide guidance and mentorship.
Learn to Race clinics for those new to racing. Benefit from the deep knowledge of our race experts to help build your race confidence and achieve your peak performance.
Variety of workshops, training & educational opportunities, scheduled all year round, help members learn more about cycling-related topics.

About our rides...
Our usual programming offers a variety of different rides that are tailored to different fitness and experience levels. Details of our rides are subject to seasonal changes and adjustments for weather conditions.
Below is an example of how our club rides work. From April to October we generally ride on Saturdays/Sundays and once or twice during the week. The winter schedule consists of Zwifting and Saturday rides.
Saturday A Rides
This Saturday club ride caters to mid-level riders (e.g., Cat 1-3) with solid group riding experience and who have an interest in training and a commitment to gradual fitness improvement.
Start Time: Saturday morning 8:00AM
Start Location: Olympic Village Square
Routes: Our routes vary during good weather seasons and could include the North Shore, Lion's Bay or beyond, Buntzen Lake/Belcarra, Richmond/Surrey/Ladner, cross-border destinations, Fraser Valley. Most long rides will include rest breaks or coffee stops. During winter and bad weather days, a non-technical route will be chosen, which typically is a Richmond loop.
Pace: typically 28-35 km/h rolling pace (3+ hrs) with occasional structured drills thrown in. These sections will be identified by the ride leader at the start of the ride and before the drills begin.
This is nominally a drop ride, although in practice, we regroup after hard sections e.g. hills, mishaps and mechanical problems.
Saturday B Rides
This Saturday club ride caters to mid-level riders (e.g., Cat 4-5) with solid group riding experience and who have an interest in training and a commitment to gradual fitness improvement.
Start Time: Saturday morning 8:00AM
Start Location: Olympic Village Square
Routes: Our routes vary during good weather seasons and could include the North Shore, Lion's Bay or beyond, Buntzen Lake/Belcarra, Richmond/Surrey/Ladner, cross-border destinations, Fraser Valley. Most long rides will include rest breaks or coffee stops. During winter and bad weather days, a non-technical route will be chosen, which typically is a Richmond loop.
Pace: typically 25-27 km/h rolling pace (3+ hrs) with occasional structured drills thrown in. These sections will be identified by the ride leader at the start of the ride and before the drills begin.
This is a no drop ride,
Weekday Rides
EV also organize weekday rides for established members, usually on a Tuesday or Thursday night, depending on the season.
Our Saturday and weekday rides are for experienced riders. If you wish to participate in these rides you must have confident bike handling skills and be comfortable riding in a pack.

Want to roll with us? Contact us at:
If you want to come on a test ride you will be required to be a Cycling BC Member OR fill out a Cycling BC waiver cyclingbc.net/waiver .