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Updated January 2021.


We are currently following the latest PHO and viaSport rules.


Our club is committed to safe and responsible riding. All members must adhere to the following guidelines:


BEFORE ATTENDING A CYCLING PRACTICE/ RIDE all participants, coaches and their parents/guardians will:


  • Know how COVID-19 spreads.

  • Know the symptoms of COVID-19.

  • MEMBERS WILL NOT attend practice if sick or if they have been contact traced by public health or suspect COVID exposure. If a coach or rider has been sick, they must be symptom free and have quarantine clearance from public health in order to return to practices/rides.

  • EV/DEVO requires that anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 wait for the appropriate PHO Clearance before they return to practices/rides.

  • Anyone who has travelled domestically or travelled beyond their own community must monitor for symptoms of COVID-19.

  • Registration for practices or rides is required. Team Snap tracking must be filled in 48hrs before each practice

  • Complete COVID-19 screening in TeamSnap before each practice/session.




  • Riders will be required to confirm that they have completed the daily COVID-19 screening and can confirm they have no symptoms before arriving at any organized ride or practice.

  • Meet with your coach/rider leader in the designated meeting area for the practice.




  • Maintain reasonable distance apart from each other at all times, unless it is unsafe to do so.

  • Cover coughs and sneezes. No blowing your nose (into a tissue is ok) or spitting.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Bring all necessary liquids and foods to be able to provide for yourself.

  • Athletes must not share any food.

  • Bring all necessary tools, equipment, and clothing.

  • No handshaking, high fives or hugging.

  • If you begin to feel unwell and demonstrate any COVID-19 symptoms during practice you must leave immediately and contact the local public health office for recommendations. You must also inform the club of your health status.

  • All riders must carry their own face mask or face covering, and hand sanitizer.

  • No drop-ins are permitted. Anyone who is riding with the club must be registered as a club member and have CBC membership too.

  • Coaches and ride leaders are tasked with ensuring everyone is adhering to social/physical distancing rules. They have the right to ask a member to leave a ride if they are not cooperating.

  • If the group stops for coffee, please respect the protocols of the establishment. Do not move tables. Remain seated whenever possible. Do not move around without a mask on.




  • Coach/Ride leader will put on face mask and gloves. Athlete puts on own face mask. 

  • If the injury is minor, the coach/ride leader will provide necessary instructions and items for the rider to administer themselves, while keeping a reasonable distance.

  • If the injury requires hands-on attention, the coach/ride leader will administer the appropriate care while being cautious of contact and distance.  

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